How to Summon a Succubus

In order for you to be able to summon a succubus, you first need to know how to summon a succubus. When it comes to summoning succubus, it takes a lot of dedication and patience. But the only difference between summoning any other demon and summoned succubus is your desire to actually touch, taste and see the latter in person. You will need to find yourself a willing and prepared partner for the ritual.

The first thing that you have to do is to find your partner. Your chosen partner must have a positive impression of you already and should not have any negative feelings towards your job or your life in general. You can choose to go to any astral plane. Choose the plane of earth or choose another astral plane if your chosen one doesn't like to travel and would rather stay in the astral plane. It is best if you choose your astral plane based on the personality that you want your partner to have.

If you are going to Earth, choose some good neighborhoods, friends and acquaintances. Be sure to note down their names so that you would remember them later on when your summoning process comes to an end. If you decided to travel to the earth plane, then look for your friends and acquaintances in the same places that you previously chose for your succubus.

You may now begin your astral travel. During the course of your astral travel, you will meet a number of beings. These entities are what will help you summon a succubus. Some of these beings are angelic spirits who will help you accomplish your goals and desires. You could also encounter archangels, who are guardian angels that will protect you from harmful influences.

Once you finally reach your destination where you intend to locate your succubus, pay a visit to its pouch. Inside the pouch, your succubus will be waiting for you. When it senses you, it will instantly expand its aura to welcome you. In doing so, it will try to communicate with you through its mind, telling you everything that it needs from you.

For beginners, it is important that they do not try to contact the beings that they will come across during their summoning. Remember that these beings are very powerful. As such, it would be best that you keep this a secret from other people. Once you have successfully summoned your succubus, you may now finally begin the summoning. This is actually the most difficult part of how to summon a succubus because this task requires complete concentration and focus.

To start off, open a window or door. Make sure that no one is around so that you can be able to properly concentrate on your task. Try to summon as many succubus as you can. Once you have already reached a number that you think is big enough to accommodate your entire demonic spirits, open a portal from your home by sacrificing a human living being. Have them stand beside you as you perform the ritual to summon your succubus.

After performing the ritual to summon, you should then go back to your physical body and take a deep breathe. Begin the process of visualizing all the things that you have wanted to happen. Visualize yourself with a brand new lease on life, thank the angelic forces that protected you all along, and promise to guard and watch over your children in your next life. Once you have successfully performed the astral travel and lucid dream recall, you should not have any trouble coming across the succubus that you have waited so long for.


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